KPS Automatic Gas Sampling Systems

In the natural gas industry, custody transfer marks a critical point where ownership of the gas changes hands between suppliers, transporters, and customers. Given the sheer volumes and the high commercial value of natural gas, even the slightest measurement error during custody transfer can lead to significant financial losses or disputes. To mitigate these risks, precise and reliable sampling of natural gas is essential, ensuring that both parties in the transaction are confident in the product’s quantity and quality.

KPS offers the worlds most accurate and advanced automatic sampling systems specifically designed for gas custody transfer applications. These systems enable the accurate collection and analysis of gas samples in real time, providing crucial data for verifying gas composition (BTU, SGU, and HC dew point). ccurate registration using automatic gas sampling systems is crucial for clients submitting claims, controlling gas suppliers, and preventing unnecessary fiscal payments.

What Are Automatic Sampling Systems for Gas?

Automatic sampling systems are high-precision devices engineered to extract and analyze samples from the natural gas stream during the transfer process, in accordance with ISO 8943, ISO 10715 and API MPMS Chapter 14.1 standards. These systems operate without manual intervention, continuously collecting samples at strategic points to ensure that they are representative of the entire volume of gas being transferred.

In the context of gas custody transfer, the quality and composition of the gas—such as methane content, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and other trace gases—are critical factors for determining its value. Automatic sampling systems capture composite samples over time, allowing for an accurate analysis of the gas properties. This ensures that both the buyer and seller can verify the product’s quality and negotiate fair commercial terms.

The Importance of Accurate Gas Sampling in Custody Transfer

The quality and composition of natural gas can vary significantly based on factors like its source, processing methods, and the presence of impurities. Since natural gas is sold based on its energy content (measured in British Thermal Units, or BTUs), the accuracy of the gas quality measurements directly affects the pricing and financial settlements between parties.

This is particularly important for ‘wet’ gas, containing contaminants and heavy hydrocarbons that can condense and contaminate the gas stream if not handled correctly. These contaminants must be maintained within the sample at all stages to ensure accurate final analysis. KPS gas sampling systems prevent sample quality deterioration using multi-stage pressure reducers, which are also employed in manual sampling, volume-based sampling, and gas chromatographs.

Manual sampling methods are prone to inconsistencies and inaccuracies, which can result in disputes over the product’s value. Automatic sampling systems, on the other hand, are designed to provide consistent, real-time data without the potential for human error. This precision is particularly important when large quantities of gas are transferred, as even small miscalculations can have substantial financial implications.

Key Features of KPS Automatic Sampling Systems for Gas

KPS automatic sampling systems for gas custody transfer offer state-of-the-art technology to ensure the highest levels of accuracy, reliability, and compliance with industry standards. Key features include:

  1. Precision and Consistency: Our systems are designed to collect samples at consistent intervals, providing a representative composite sample of the gas flow. This ensures that the analysis accurately reflects the entire volume of gas being transferred.
  2. Real-Time Data Collection: KPS sampling systems offer continuous monitoring of gas quality parameters, providing real-time data on the composition of the gas stream. This enables operators to identify and address any discrepancies or issues immediately.
  3. Compliance with Industry Standards: Our systems comply with the most stringent industry regulations, including API MPMS Chapter 14.1 and ISO 10715, ensuring that your custody transfer operations meet international standards for accuracy and reliability.
  4. Non-Intrusive Operation: KPS automatic sampling systems integrate seamlessly into existing pipeline infrastructure without disrupting the flow of gas. This ensures that gas custody transfer operations can continue uninterrupted while high-quality samples are collected.
  5. Customizable Solutions: We understand that each operation has unique requirements, which is why KPS offers customizable automatic sampling solutions. Our systems can be tailored to suit the specific needs of your gas transfer process, whether you are dealing with natural gas, LNG, or other gaseous hydrocarbons.
  6. Durability and Low Maintenance: Built to withstand the demanding conditions of gas pipeline environments, KPS sampling systems are highly durable and require minimal maintenance, ensuring long-term reliability and performance.

The Benefits of Automatic Sampling Systems for Gas Custody Transfer

Enhanced Accuracy and Reduced Disputes, automatic sampling systems provide precise and consistent sampling, reducing the likelihood of disputes between buyers and sellers over gas quality. Accurate sampling ensures that the product’s composition and energy content are correctly measured, fostering trust between all parties involved in the custody transfer process.

Regulatory Compliance, in many regions, strict regulatory requirements govern gas custody transfer operations. Accurate gas sampling is essential for meeting these regulations, ensuring that all transactions are compliant with international standards. KPS automatic sampling systems are designed to meet or exceed these regulatory standards, giving operators confidence that their operations are fully compliant.

Cost Savings, by minimizing the risk of errors and disputes, automatic sampling systems can lead to significant cost savings. Inaccurate measurements can result in overpayment or underpayment for gas, which can quickly escalate into financial losses. KPS sampling systems provide the precision needed to avoid these costly mistakes, ensuring fair and accurate financial settlements.

Increased Operational Efficiency, KPS automatic sampling systems are designed to operate without interrupting gas flow, ensuring continuous sampling without the need for manual intervention. This enhances the overall efficiency of the custody transfer process, allowing operators to collect high-quality samples while maintaining optimal operational performance.

Real-Time Monitoring and Data Collection, with the ability to collect and analyze data in real time, KPS sampling systems provide operators with valuable insights into the composition and quality of the gas being transferred. This data is not only essential for ensuring fair commercial transactions but can also be used to optimize operational performance, predict maintenance needs, and make more informed decisions.

Reduced Risk of Contamination, automatic sampling systems reduce the risk of sample contamination that can occur with manual methods. By ensuring that the sampling process is fully automated and enclosed, KPS systems protect the integrity of the samples, providing a more accurate analysis of the gas composition.

Why Choose KPS Automatic Sampling Systems?

KPS has a long established track record of industry-leading automatic sampling systems that meet the specific needs of the gas industry. Our solutions are designed with a focus on accuracy, precision, durability, and compliance with the highest standards. Whether you are involved in upstream, midstream, or downstream operations, KPS automatic sampling systems ensure accurate and reliable custody transfer for natural gas and other gaseous hydrocarbons.


Accurate and reliable gas custody transfer is critical for ensuring fair transactions and maintaining trust between parties in the natural gas industry. KPS automatic sampling systems provide the precision, consistency, and real-time data needed to guarantee accurate measurement of gas composition and quality during custody transfer. By investing in KPS automatic sampling systems, you can enhance operational efficiency, reduce disputes, and ensure regulatory compliance—all while protecting your financial interests.

Contact KPS today to learn more about how our automatic sampling solutions can improve the accuracy and reliability of your gas custody transfer operations.

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